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FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Did You Know?

Dear Valued Client,

We would like to remind you that the FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse has been in effect since January 6, 2020, that’s just over 8 months now! That means if you are a DOT employer and have FMCSA regulated drivers crossing the Canada-US border you need to participate in the Clearinghouse to be in compliance.

The Clearinghouse is not optional for Employers and to remain in compliance with Title 49 CFR Part 382, Subpart G of the FMCSA regulations you must register your company and perform the necessary queries on your drivers.

Did you know that over 122,190 FMCSA regulated Employers across North America have registered for the Clearinghouse and over 1,100,000 queries have been conducted. As part of the mandatory Clearinghouse regulations just over 25,700 drug and alcohol violations have been entered.

As this is still a relatively new program, we understand that there have been challenges. DriverCheck is here to support you and help navigate you through the Clearinghouse program. We have identified several of the primary challenges we have heard from clients and have addressed them below:

Clearinghouse Registration Process

  • If you have registered within eManda for Clearinghouse services, please ensure that you have also assigned DriverCheck Inc. as your C/TPA in your FMCSA Clearinghouse portal.

o   IMPORTANT: If this step has not been completed DriverCheck is unable assist you with your Clearinghouse compliance.  

  • If you are unsure if your Clearinghouse account in eManda is set up properly please contact our Client Support Group at 1 (800) 463-4310, option 6, or


Full Query Progress status explanations for eManda

  • Needs Required Fields – The full query has not been initiated. DriverCheck is waiting for your company to confirm your driver’s information.

  • Needs Initial Request – All required information has been provided and a DriverCheck representative will initiate a query soon.

  • Needs Result – The query has been initiated within the Clearinghouse and the result is pending your driver’s consent. Drivers must consent to full queries through their individual Clearinghouse driver portal.

  • No Information Found – The query is complete and the driver has no violation on file in the Clearinghouse.

  • Additional Information Found – The query is complete but information such as a violation and return-to-duty progress have been found within the Clearinghouse.

  • If your driver has issues viewing full query consents in their Clearinghouse dashboard please ensure they enter and validate their CDL in their profile within the Clearinghouse.

  • If a new driver/applicant is not hired please advise our Client Support Group at 1 (800) 463-4310, option 6, or By advising DriverCheck that you are no longer hiring the driver we will be able to cancel the outstanding query and you will not lose that query credit.


Limited Queries

  • All Active DOT participants must provide electronic consent through eManda in order for DriverCheck to perform your company’s limited/annual Clearinghouse queries. Please make sure your drivers are providing consent to query their Clearinghouse records.

  • DriverCheck aims to run all of your active DOT drivers in the month you requested and we will remind you of any consents that are pending. You must run a limited query annually on all of your active DOT drivers in order to be compliant with the regulations. DriverCheck will be unable to run a limited query for any driver that does not consent.

  • It is important to make sure your current active participant list in eManda is accurate to ensure DriverCheck is only completing queries that are required.

  • DriverCheck has provided a tool within eManda called Consent Management to assist with limited/annual query consent.


Consent Management Process

  • The Clearinghouse consent management process has been automated for you by DriverCheck so that you don’t have to spend time doing everything via paper and pen. Your drivers won’t have to come into head office, it’s all done electronically!

  • Check out the 3 minute tutorial below to see how it works:

Introducing Clearinghouse Consent Management

DriverCheck has prepared a new webpage dedicated to Clearinghouse information. This page has details on DriverCheck’s processes for managing client’s Clearinghouse programs and also includes helpful hints and links. DriverCheck will continue to add information on Clearinghouse to keep you informed.  To access this webpage please use the following link:

DriverCheck will host a webinar about the Clearinghouse in the future that will help address concerns you may have. Once the date and time have been determined, we will send out further communication.

If you have any questions, please contact our Client Support Group at 1-800-463-4310, option 6, or


The DriverCheck Team