Case Management (Alcohol & Drug)

Substance Abuse Professionals

Case Management answers the question "What Next" after a positive drug test or if a client has an employee who has disclosed that they have a substance use disorder. DriverCheck works in partnership with Essential Organizational Solutions to facilitate Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) assessments. Utilizing Essential Organizational Solutions’ Canada wide network of SAPs enables us to provide our clients with quality service in even the most remote areas. Whether an employee tests positive during an alcohol/drug test or discloses a substance use concern, an SAP assessment can assist the employer in returning the employee back to work safely.  

Return to Duty, Follow-up Testing and Unannounced Testing

As part of the case management service, the SAP will provide Return to Duty, Follow-up and Unannounced testing recommendations as a form of relapse prevention for the employee. These are made on a case by case basis and can be tailored to company requirements. The follow-up dates should be chosen at random with minimal possible notice to the employee. 

DriverCheck’s Case Management team can assist in creating a customized schedule and managing the follow-up program so the employer can remain up to date and compliant with any regulations or return to work agreements.

Until the SAP has made Return to Work recommendations, the employee remains off work, or in a non-safety sensitive position to ensure that public safety is upheld. The SAP is unable to provide a limit as to how long the employee can take to complete their recommendations. Once the Follow-up testing recommendations are completed, a letter is issued to inform of the success and end of the program for the employee’s records. 

Case Management 

DriverCheck’s Case Management team suggests implementing a periodic check-in phone call with the employee going through the program. This additional support provides accountability to the employee and guidance during their time in the program. This will ensure that they are actively working on the recommendations as set out by the SAP by speaking with experts to provide any assistance and support the employee may require.

This program also provides periodic reports to the employer that contain updates on the employee’s progress throughout the program. DriverCheck’s Case Management team is an empathetic third party working to assist the employee and to inform the employer.