occupational health

What is Occupational Health?

Occupational Health, also referred to as Occupational Medicine or simply “Occ Med,” is a branch of preventive medicine that focuses on the interrelationship between the work (the job tasks including physical and cognitive demands), the worker (including their physical, psychological, and medical status, and functional abilities), and the workplace (including work conditions [e.g., temperature, environment], workplace hazards [e.g., noise, chemicals]) and the impact they have on one another.

Are Your Drivers Fit to Drive? Occupational Health Tests and Commercial Driver Safety

Commercial drivers, in particular, are required to maintain a high level of fitness to operate their vehicles safely. This is where occupational health tests come in. By identifying drivers who may be under the influence, employers can prevent accidents and protect the safety of their employees and the public. 

New Reporting Statuses – Occupational Health Services

On Monday, August 26, we launched our updated reporting statuses as outlined in the document link below. In our continued effort to refine our service offerings to serve you better, we are streamlining our reporting of fitness-for-duty determinations. In addition to the status changes, will be reporting all occupational results independently of the alcohol and/or drug results as a standard process, unless otherwise specified and requested in writing.