Connecting Mental and Physical Health in the Workplace

Despite all efforts to eliminate workplace accidents, unfortunately they can and do still happen. Not only does a workplace injury affect the worker, it can also significantly disrupt the workplace.

In 2013, 16.0% of Canadians aged 15 to 74, roughly 4.2 million people, sustained injuries in the previous 12 months that limited their normal activities. For 14.5% of those injured, their most serious injury took place while working at a job or business. 1

PMTC & DriverCheck Announce a Third Day of Education!

DriverCheck is excited to announce a joint partnership with The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) regarding their Western Regional Seminar on Tues. Oct. 1. As part of  PMTC’s ongoing series of cross-country educational half-day conferences, they have teamed up with DriverCheck for an event that will be held one day earlier than the Fitness for Duty Summit.

The PMTC Western Regional Seminar will cover many topics that are at the forefront of the trucking industry. Topics include the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse program, productivity in leadership, and the Alberta zero-emissions project. The event will be at the Delta Hotels Marriot Edmonton South Conference Centre, starting at 12:30 pm.

[BLOG] H.R.6: SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act

It’s been referred to as the single largest bill to combat the drug crisis in the history of the United States. In 2017, there were 3,987 deaths linked to the use of opioids in Canada, which represents 11 lives lost per day. Today, more than a staggering 115 people in the United States die each day after overdosing on opioids.

Federal Bill H.R.6, which is referred to as the “Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act” was signed into law on Oct. 24, 2018, by President Donald Trump in part of the ongoing conflict to stop and prevent the opioid epidemic in the United States.