Andrea Morley: Get Up and Move with Andrea Morley Your Website Title

Get Up and Move with Andrea Morley

Andrea is the Communications & Wellness Coordinator for NAL Insurance & Healthy Trucker. Working as a Nutritionist, she has spent 8 years educating the trucking industry on living a healthier lifestyle both on and off the road. NAL Insurance is the leading provider of WSIB-Alternative coverage for Owner Operator truck drivers in Canada. In 2013, NAL founded Healthy Trucker, with the mission to provide drivers with the education and resources that they needed to live a healthier lifestyle, improve their safety on the road, and remain in their job for longer. With over 10,000 pounds lost and 4,000 participants over the past several years, Healthy Trucker clients have stepped up to show the industry that it’s possible to get and stay healthy as a driver.

View this insightful presentation on workplace health and fitness.

Join us at our next event! For more information about the Fitness for Duty Summit (FFDS), click here.
