DriverCheck Featured in Canadian HR Reporter’s “Medical Marijuana in the Workplace”

DriverCheck’s Medical Director and Chief Medical Review Officer Dr. Barry Kurtzer was recently featured in a Canadian HR Reporter story on medical marijuana in the workplace. With medical marijuana use expected to increase substantially over the next decade, this story examines the new federal regulations around medical marijuana and outlines best practices for employers dealing with employees in safety sensitive positions who have authorization to use marijuana for medical purposes.

During the interview, Dr. Kurtzer makes the following recommendations for employers:

  • Develop a medical marijuana policy

  • Engage and train supervisors on how to recognize if employees are having difficulty with their medical marijuana product in terms of it affecting their ability to perform safety sensitive work

  • Conduct independent medical evaluations to ensure safety sensitive employees are fit for duty

See the full story below.

Dr. Kurtzer was interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter during the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Partners in Prevention Conference in Mississauga back in April. He was a guest speaker at the conference, offering guidance to employers on the issues surrounding medical marijuana use in the workplace.