Coronavirus – Temporary Screening Measures at DC Clinics

Re: Coronavirus (2019‐nCoV)

DriverCheck has been closely monitoring the impact of the novel Coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) outbreak and the evolving risk to the public, our employees, and our facilities. On Thursday, January 30, 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that this outbreak is a global health emergency, however, national, provincial, and municipal Public Health agencies have determined the current risk to Canadians to be low.

In response to daily information on the details about the virus, its virulence and spread, including the number of international cases, and the evolving global risk, DriverCheck has taken steps to mitigate the impact this new and emerging outbreak has on our staff and operations.

Effective Monday, February 3, 2020, DriverCheck has implemented temporary screening of all clients/employees attending our DriverCheck clinics for Alcohol & Drug collections and testing, and/or Occupational Health testing. 

DriverCheck staff working on-site for clients will follow client-specific screening protocols and procedures that may be different than the direction provided in this correspondence.

If individuals who attend our clinics have travelled to, or through, China within the 14 days of attending our clinics, or have had close contact with persons who have travelled to, or through, China within the same time frame, any scheduled testing will not proceed, and the individual will be directed to attend the closest emergency room or to self-isolate at their home, as directed by Public Health, depending on any existing signs or symptoms.

These individuals will be directed to contact their treating health care practitioner for advice on follow-up, and their employer as soon as possible to advise that testing could not be completed. In addition, DriverCheck’s Occupational Health nurses will reach out to the individual’s employer via phone and eManda notification to advise that testing could not proceed due to increased infectious disease risk.

Individuals who are redirected from our clinics will be provided with a medical clearance form and instruction regarding its need to be signed off by a duly licensed health care practitioner attesting to the individual’s fitness to resume testing and that they are free from infectious disease. If symptomatic, individuals will need to be confirmed that they are symptom-free for a period of 14 days. It is the Individual’s responsibility to submit the completed medical certification to DriverCheck’s Occupational Health Department using the contact information provided on the clearance form. Once this requirement has been satisfied, testing for the individual can be rescheduled. The individual’s employer will be notified of this clearance via eManda (mandatory) and by phone (upon request). I am writing to advise you of these temporary measures to ensure the continued safety of our staff and our operations. It is DriverCheck’s expectation that you consider implementing similar interim measures with your employees, be aware if anyone meets the travel criteria specified, and ensure they do not attend a DriverCheck clinic until they have been confirmed to be symptom free for a period of 14 days.

If you have any questions, please contact our Occupational Health Department at (800) 463-4310, option #5 or via email at  

Thank you in advance for your support and consideration at this time.



Dr. Jonathan W. Davids, MD

Corporate Medical Director, DriverCheck Inc.