DriverCheck adds vaccination tracking feature to COVIDdetect platform, part of its mission to simplify testing programs for Canadian companies

Ayr, Ont., November 12, 2021 – DriverCheck, the leader in occupational medical testing, announces the addition of a robust vaccination tracking feature to its successful COVIDdetect software. A powerful and timesaving add-on for administrators and easy to use by employees, the new feature helps employers gather all of their relevant COVID-19 testing and vaccination data in one solution, making it more efficient on COVID program administrators and reducing manual work. 

“Too many companies still use email and basic spreadsheets to collect proof of vaccination from their workforce and manually administer, monitor and report on programs for unvaccinated and partially vaccinated members of their workforce,” says Connor Page, Vice-President of Strategy at DriverCheck. “With COVIDdetect’s new vaccination tracking feature, heavily administrative vaccination tracking can now be seamlessly and centrally managed alongside COVID-19 employee testing data within COVIDdetect. The new vaccination tracking feature can be activated within minutes, is accessible from virtually anywhere by employees to upload their proof of vaccination documents and  makes running a variety of vaccination programs easy to do.”

COVIDdetect’s new Vaccination Tracking feature enables companies to determine the vaccination status of their workforce, making it easy for employees to self-report vaccination status and upload their vaccination records. It also provides administrators with easy-to-use reports and tracking to define and administer regular testing programs for their unvaccinated and partially vaccinated population. 

Introduced in July under its COVID-19 testing division, DC Agile, the COVIDdetect web-based program management software enables organizations to implement and manage DIY testing with Health Canada-approved COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits in a way that is efficient, comprehensive and easy to monitor for companies of all sizes. COVIDdetect offers organizations the ability to take control of the health and wellbeing of their program participants including employees, contractors, event-goers, students or other stakeholders. For administrators of health and wellness and human resources departments, the service is affordable, flexible, scalable and turnkey, featuring detailed program management capabilities, compliance monitoring and inventory and test kit distribution management.

Based on the current regulatory framework, COVIDdetect is available in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick. The company is working to expand coverage to other provinces. Health Canada approved COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits are available for sale on a standalone basis to eligible businesses across Canada, except Quebec.

For information on COVIDdetect’s testing solutions, visit or COVIDdetect's social accounts on Facebook (@COVIDdetect), Twitter (@COVIDdetectDC), LinkedIn (@coviddetect) and YouTube (DriverCheck).


About COVIDdetect

Launched in 2021 as one of the most comprehensive DIY/at-home testing services for businesses, COVIDdetect is an extension of DriverCheck’s commitment to focus on good medicine and good health first, knowing the business’s wellbeing will follow. COVIDdetect combines Health Canada-approved COVID-19 test kits with easy-to-use web-based software. The platform is the next evolution in COVID-19 testing and medical surveillance and enables participants to perform Do-it-Yourself (DIY) testing from the comfort and convenience of their homes, anytime, anywhere. COVIDdetect is also available as a stand-alone service or part of an onsite or in-clinic program. For more information, visit

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For more information, please contact: 

Pénélope Carreau

Torchia Communications

Cell: 514 984-6123