August 5, 2021

Dear Valued Client,


This communication is to update you on DriverCheck’s (DC) ongoing temporary measures to ensure the continued safety of our staff, our clients, and our operations.

COVID-19 remains a serious and significant health threat, and the situation continues to evolve daily. DC continues to monitor the risk to our staff, clients, and business operations and will advise and provide updated information to assist with you managing your alcohol & drug, and occupational health testing programs, and your workers. 

In recent weeks provinces have started to ease public health restrictions despite increasing risk of COVID-19 transmission from the Delta variant, which is the dominant strain circulating in Canada.

Last week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report advising that even individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were still capable of spreading the infection from the Delta variant equally as much as individuals who were unvaccinated and infected. Read the CDC statement here. The article referenced in the CDC statement can be read here.

DC remains committed to ensuring a safe workplace for our employees and a safe clinic for our clients and has been actively assessing the impact that this information has on our operations, as well as on the health and safety of our staff.

Despite the easing of public health measures across provinces, due to the nature of our work, DC Clinics are required to take a more conservative approach to easing protective measures than what is recommended for the public.

The following direction will be reviewed and updated periodically.

Effective as of Monday, August 9, 2021, while in DriverCheck Clinics:

  • MANDATORY mask use is required while indoors. All individuals will need to wear a mask for the duration of their appointment to reduce the risk of being infected with the Delta variant and possibly spreading it to others regardless of their vaccination status. DC will continue to provide masks for those requiring them who don’t have their own.

Please be aware that failure to wear a mask/face covering or comply with any other safety measures or instructions from DC staff will result in cessation of assessment and testing, and the individual will be asked to leave the premises if they remain non-compliant.

  • Symptom screening at the front door. Anyone who fails DC’s screening will not be permitted to carry on with any scheduled testing and will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

As a valued client, DC STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you consider screening your employees (ask if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and if so, advise them to stay home) and ensure they DO NOT attend a DC clinic or book an appointment with a DC clinician if they are symptomatic, have had close contact with anyone who is sick, or have not completed any required testing and quarantine requirements after having travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days.

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres (6 feet) will be maintained wherever possible.

  • Individuals will be encouraged to wash or sanitize their hands after touching counters, door handles, surfaces or objects in the clinic, or as frequently as needed.

DC staff will continue to wear personal protective equipment throughout the encounter as they have been doing throughout the crisis.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Client Support Group at 1 (800) 463-4310 Option 6, or at

Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding at this time.


Jonathan W. Davids, MD

Occupational Medicine Physician

Corporate Medical Director, DriverCheck Inc.